Destination Jerusalem

Blessings from Jerusalem!

I have arrived to meet the team God has providentially put together! I flew through DFW to Amsterdam and arrived in Tel Aviv late afternoon. The flights were good and everything went smoothly. I met a few  random  people on the first flight from DFW who I grouped up with through Tel Aviv. This included 2 catholic women who were going on a pilgrimage and another aspiring theologian or pastor who was 19 and meeting a group of others in Israel. It was good to have company and some comradery.

When I arrived in Tel Aviv I met up with Daniel and Hannah-Leah Fox, a married couple from Dallas who have attended Dallas Seminary. We got a taxi together to a Jerusalem and spoke for the roughly 45 minute trip. We arrived at the Jerusalem house in time for a Shabbat Dinner that the rest of the team had prepared for us all. The meal was great (especially the hummus!) and the 8 current members of the team shared about themselves while Robynne, our team supervisor, gave everyone an idea of what to expect tomorrow. This team is God ordained for Jewish contextualization, music, service, children, and overall deep theology and love. We hope you will pray for our cohesion and effectiveness as we work together. Shabbat shalom!


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